Finally i completed new IFC importer builds for 3ds Max 2020 to 3ds Max 2024.

The plugins are based on the IfcOpenshell codebase and again it was a bit of a hazzle until the compiler successfully spit out the binaries.

The whole IfcOpenshell project is HUGE !  and it does not really help that each 3ds Max SDK requires a strictly defined VisualStudio version, otherwise you might end up with unstable builds.

Nevertheless, here they are, based on the 0.7.0 version of the IfcOpenshell opensource framework ( Cut-off date of the used code was 2023-09-01 )

Download available in the Github release section

As usual they come without any warranty, so use them at your own risk!

BTW: for earlier 3d sMax versions (up to 3ds Max 2019)  you still can download the older builds here

Some teaser for the importer, working together with the 3ds Max Slice modifier!
( IFC data from Schependomlaan Dataset, available in the following github repo )


IFC importer plugins for current 3ds Max versions available
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